Choosing wood for building a house

Building a house from wood is, without an argument, the most environmentally friendly way. However, for each building material, there are advantages and disadvantages that should be weighed. We will be talking about different types of wood which are used for the construction of houses.
The main requirements for wood, as a building material, is its strength, durability and resistance to moisture, heat and other external aggressors. Both coniferous (spruce, pine, larch, cedar) and deciduous (aspen, birch, alder and oak) trees can be used for house constructions.
Coniferous trees:
- Spruce is one of the most popular types of wood that are used in the construction of wooden houses. Popularity is due to such characteristics of spruce: loose structure (due to which the house holds better heat), a positive effect on human health (especially on the heart), durability (about 100 years and more), the presence of antibacterial properties, does not turn blue (like pine). Spruce is a soft, but low-drying species of trees. The negative sides of the spruce are: unstable to moisture, tends to rot, has average durability, the trunk has many knots, which makes it difficult for the wood to be processed at the workplace. Spruce wood can be used for interior decoration of the room, if you decide to build a house of spruce, then it must be covered with special moisture-repellent compounds or paints.
- Pine tree is the most common and accessible, in relation to other types of trees, building material on the planet. Depending on the species of pine, it is used in Europe (including Ukraine), Russia, America, Japan and other countries. Pine, as well as spruce, refers to the little-bred and soft types of trees. The main characteristics of pine: low cost, dense, resistant to decay, has a smooth trunk (practically without knots), durability, is not prone to cracking, durable and of course, safety for human health. The negative side of the pine is the possibility of damaging the blue, which, although it does not affect the characteristics of the tree, at the same time is an unpleasant entity that must be combated. In general, the characteristics of pine and spruce are quite similar, but nevertheless, the pine is somewhat superior to spruce.
- Larch is used for the construction of houses very often since it is the most suitable for almost all characteristics of the wood species. It refers to hard, but strongly drying trees. The advantages of larch: strength, not rotting, not blue, resistant to the emergence of various microorganisms, high fire resistance (inherent not to all types of trees), resistant to seawater, durability (can stand for several centuries), resistance to weathering and almost absolute water resistant.
- Cedar is another option home builders can choose. The main characteristics of cedar wood: full resistance to decay, high strength, durability (about several centuries), moisture resistance, ease of processing, resistance to the appearance of microorganisms and insects (not only in wood, but also in the house), resistance to external atmospheric phenomena and chemical substances, resistance to deformation under the influence of temperature changes, resistance to cracking and beautiful colour. Cedar wood has the presence of essential oils, which favourably affect human health and, besides, they are a natural air purifier
Australia is a great country with mesmerizing natural offers. If you decide to build a house made out of wood in Australia, it is guaranteed that you will find an appropriate location to do so.